Summer Solstice Soak

Dreams Do Come True



My son Stevie put this entire event together with help from his friends and his brother Jeremy & Erika who drove up from California to help. (Stevie created this small flyer, photo by me).

My heart filled with even more love yesterday. I didn’t think it was possible. My son Stevie hosted his first festival event at Clark Creek along Fall Creek, about 45 minutes east of Eugene. The event was filled with live bands, loads of food and drink for all, swimming in the creek, and good times at an amazing and beautiful sight among the towering trees I love so much. Though I wanted to be…




Writer of Creative Nonfiction and Fiction; Ukulele Player; Lover of the Beatles, rock n’ roll, and the 1960s. Mom & Grandma; lives in Eugene, OR with BF & cat.