The Green Ukulele T-Shirt



“Everything’s Gonna Be Okay, the Ukulele Player is Here”

September 13, 2021. Me in the Woods in Southeast Eugene, Oregon with my Summer of Love ukulele. (Photo taken by me)

It all started with a green Ukulele shirt that says, “Everything is gonna be OK, the ukulele player is here.” And there’s a picture of a ukulele and a pink flower on it. I’ve had this shirt for a while now. I was just looking for it the other day because I hadn’t worn it in some time. But I could not find it anywhere. I was kind of bummed, but then I figured it would probably turn up somewhere. The next day when I return from my walk, it was on my bed. Savoy said he found it in his drawer; he thought it was just one of his green shirts. I was so relieved he found the shirt and I wore it the next day.

Late yesterday afternoon, on my usual journey up the hill in the woods on the Ridgeline Martin Street Trail, I suddenly heard the sweet strums of a ukulele. At first, I thought I was imagining things. Then a tall, dark-haired guy with his wife or girlfriend and their cute doggy sauntered around the bend and sure enough the guy was playing a soprano ukulele. He strummed a bit and then he fingerpicked too. Wow, I was so excited that I stopped and they did as well. I held a bag of blackberries in one hand and my other hand was sticky and purple. I also held my water bottle under my arm.

September 12, 2021. Ukulele player in the woods sighting! (photo by me)

“I cannot believe you’re playing ukulele in the woods! This is so cool!” I said.

“I love the ukulele and I play it all the time. I bring it everywhere. And I love your shirt oh my gosh I can’t believe it.”

Wow, what a coincidence this was, I thought. Not only is this the first time I’ve ever seen or heard anyone play the ukulele (besides me) in these woods, but I was wearing the perfect shirt for it.

His partner confirmed that yes he played ukulele all the time. I told them I’ve decided to play ukulele in the woods as well.

The nice lady said she can just see it now. Picking blackberries and playing the ukulele! We all laughed and he played a little more for me. Finally, they left and I got a picture as they were heading back down. I wanted a better picture but it was really hard to get to my phone with sticky hands.

Sept. 13, 2021. On the trail with my ukulele. Just me and my little uke! (taken by me…not easy to get a photo of me with the ukulele as a selfie)

Today I decided I would play my ukulele in the woods. I brought a small purse with me with a bag of blackberries and my water bottle. And sure enough, I played my ukulele all the way up the hill. Everything seemed to intensify when I played. I also picked blackberries. I played lots of Beatles songs and the 12 bar blues, attempting to figure out lyrics about picking blackberries on a Sunday afternoon in the woods. I heard rustling in the woods and wondered maybe if all the animals dug the music.

It’s good to know that the younger folks have embraced the ukulele.

September 13, 2021. Autumn is literally just around the corner. Musical magic in the woods. (taken by me)



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